26 Resolutions on your 26th Birthday 🍰


On my 26th Birthday . . . ❀️
26 Resolutions as I turn 26

September 2017

Life as you make it . .

Year 2017
With coming year, as I turn 26 . . I wondered β€œAm I turning old ?” I have successfully completed 25 years of my life. And now, I am clueless on how to perceive my 26th.

Life is so beautiful yet complex. I would like to quote a famous quote :
β€œYou have time to change a life , but you don’t get another life to change time”

Here are my 26 resolutions as I pledge to improve myself in coming 26th year of this life :
Pray daily
Save 20% of your salary each month
Tone up your body
Read at least 1 novel in a month
Spend 10% of your salary on Stupid stuffs you always want to buy but seems useless.
Monthly coffee date with your spouse
Update your resume every 6th month with added skills/certification
Take time out for News channel, Newspaper : 5 minutes a day
Travel within 6 months – no longer gap
Improve your closet – Experiment with looks
Analysis your shortcomings and work on it
Be before time
Outgrow your potential to be an entrepreneur- Learn necessary skills
Balanced diet – Experiment with cooking
Make up your bed daily
Learn to accept and let go. Say No whenever required
Charity once a month
Make a Scrap book of your dreams
Find a place that makes you feel better and connect with yourself
Morning Ritual – smile at mirror & say β€œI am Proud of myself for doing better each day”
Never take stress/fights to bed.
Improve your work desk – maintain positivity
Watch new movies at least twice a month
Improve your CIBIL Score
Try different things & appreciate the differences
Be You yet Improve β€œYOU”

Enjoy being 26 . . ❀️

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