Experience Smooth Skin with Vasu Sugar Scrub

With changing weather, skin demands extra effort and care to be taken care of. Regular use of chemicals on your face not only harms your skin but has a long term effects on ageing and further can cause severe damages that can not be rectified at later stage.

Given such challenges, I adore chemical free products which are skin friendly and have long term benefits for your skin.

Recently through Instagram, I explored Vasu Healthcare, product made in India which offers extensive range of skin & hair care products for daily use. From moisturisers, scrubs, face packs to essential oils, you can look at their wide range on their website – www.vasuhealthcare.com

With excellence of 40 years in this field, the brand boosts about their products that are the combination of ancient Ayurveda wisdoms and modern science. All their care & cosmetic products are herbal and made with natural ingredients which has no side effects and are easy to use.

Vasu healthcare has a global presence in 40+ countries and you can purchase the products online at www.vasustore.com

Now, I am going to share the review of my recent purchase made at Vasu Store for Sugar Scrub which is enriched with Kumkumadi Tailum, Natural Black Sand & Vitamin E. Vasu Sugar Scrub has additional goodness of 22 herbs, is dermatologically tested, non-irritant and free from animal derivatives.

I did talk about all that this product contains, but let me tell you Why you should buy this ?

From my recent experience, I used this product twice a week for 2 weeks to understand if this product really did any wonders as it says ?

In the very first try, I could feel the softness in my skin, since through sugar scrub, ample of dead skin got removed. Over the period of 2 weeks, I could now experience less of open pores which were easily seen otherwise. My skin feels 2 times softer and hydrated now. This is what I felt post using this.

Vasu Sugar Scrub for Skin

Honestly, I had no reluctancy to use this product since the ingredients mentioned are natural which sort of gives a peace of mind on using such products for the first time on your skin. What is more surprising to me is the fact that the product did turn out better than my expectation within 2 weeks for consistent application.

I am quite sure I am going to buy another one soon now since this came quite handy to use with immediate effect within 2 weeks.

Do share your experience if you plan to purchase this product or if you have any questions related to this.

See you soon !


Happy Fravelling !!

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